I'm a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the University of Chicago, advised by Dr. Ken Nakagaki. My interests lie in tangible interaction and actuation technology. I develop actuators to augment everyday objects and environments, enabling users to transform passive items into dynamic, interactive, and adaptive entities with minimal effort. Outside of research I like reading and bouldering.
Email: yunqiy at uchicago dot edu
- Got Sony Research Award!
- Stones was exhibited at Ars Electronica!
- TorqueCapsules demo won Honorable Mention at UIST'24!

Other Publications

Public Technologies Transforming Work of the Public and the Public Sector
Seyun Kim, Bonnie Fan, Willa Yunqi Yang, Jessie Ramey, Sarah E Fox, Haiyi Zhu, John Zimmerman, Motahhare Eslami