I'm a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the University of Chicago, advised by Dr. Ken Nakagaki. My interests lie in tangible interaction and actuation technology. I develop actuators to augment everyday objects and environments, enabling users to transform passive items into dynamic, interactive, and adaptive entities with minimal effort. Outside of research I like reading and bouldering.
Email: yunqiy at uchicago dot edu
- Stones was exhibited at Ars Electronica!
- TorqueCapsules demo won Honorable Mention (People's Choice) at UIST'24!

Other Publications

Public Technologies Transforming Work of the Public and the Public Sector
Seyun Kim, Bonnie Fan, Willa Yunqi Yang, Jessie Ramey, Sarah E Fox, Haiyi Zhu, John Zimmerman, Motahhare Eslami